    - Good to know

    Walking time 

    Arnsberg has 1,657 km of streets and paths. If you wanted to walk them all, assuming you walked four kilometers an hour, eight hours a day, it would take you 52 days. And, when you need to get home there are 253 bus and tram stops, and subway and railway stations in Arnsberg.


    Assuming that every kilometer of street in Arnsberg has an average of 33 street lamps with 50W of power, then Arnsberg has more than 54,668 street lamps, which use 2.7 megawatts of electricity per hour. Over a number of years, that adds up to the amount of energy produced by a volcanic eruption.

    Local recreation 

    With a total area of 0.3 square kilometers, public green spaces and parks make up 0.1% of Arnsberg’s total area, 194 square kilometers. That means each of Arnsberg’s 73,501 residents has an average of 3.6 square meters – less than most large Zoo animals!


    When people in Arnsberg want to go out, they are spoilt for choice; the city has more than 35 cafés, restaurants, bars, ice-cream parlors, beer gardens, cinemas, nightclubs and theatres. If they were all lined up along a single street, it would need to be at least 210 m long.


    More than 143 sights and monuments, and far more than 407 retailers, mean there is plenty of sightseeing to do in Arnsberg. Feeling tired? After a hard day visiting all the cultural attractions in the city, shopping or a night at the theatre, Arnsberg offers more than 18 hotels, youth hostels and camp sites.
    • Map download service

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    • Marlit-Christine Heinersdorff
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    • Dieter C. Rangol
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    • Silja Schelp
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