Frequently asked questions
Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about downloading city, regional and country maps as a vectorized PDF, a pixel-based Photoshop file with a separate text layer, or in JPG or PNG format.
If you need any further information please see our instruction manual or use our contact form.
How often are the maps updated?
Our database is updated every three months, at the latest. The last data import was carried out on 3rd of February 2025.
Can content be added to and removed from the maps?
Our “Multicolor” and “Shades of Gray” designs are available with and without labels. The labelled versions are optionally available as a Photoshop file with a separate text layer. Content other than text can be removed from the PDF vector files after they have been downloaded using a software package such as Adobe Illustrator or the free program Inkscape
For which regions can you supply aerial photographs?
Aerial photographs (orthophotos) are available for all German federal states and Austria.
My aerial photograph is empty. What went wrong?
The aerial images come from official sources, and are accessed directly from the server of the respective government agency. Unfortunately, the authorities limit the resolution of the images available to us. If the chosen paper format and resolution exceed that limit, then our download module will receive an empty file.
In such cases, please reduce the resolution and/or the size of the paper format. Alternatively, you can download numerous smaller sections for later reassembly. We are currently unable to give specific details regarding the limits set by the individual government agencies.